Ingrid Haynes, Ph.D.., is the Director of the National Literacy Professional Development Consortium. Dr. Haynes education interests focus on teaching and learning in literacy and the education needs of English learners. She is the Principal Investigator on a number of research grants to develop and test effective instructional approaches and interventions in early reading and language acquisition.
Dear Educator,
What an honor it is to serve as the Director of the NLPDC. It is an exciting time to be a part of this worthy organization. As educators, parents and literacy leaders we are faced with many challenges to provide a literacy rich environment for all of our citizens, young and old. With the changes in technology moving at warp-speed and the economic recovery moving at a snail's pace, it can be a daunting task to keep up and move ahead. But we must! And we will! For the sake of future generations we will find a way! When we realize these challenges are simply new opportunities in which to excel, our creative forces begin to take charge. The NLPDC knows that the contribution of literacy instruction and research is essential if all teachers in all schools are to experience high-quality professional learning as part of their daily work.
The NLPDC offers several conferences and institutes to provide teacher leaders and administrators with valuable tools to bring the most powerful forms of professional learning to all the teachers with whom they work. Mark your calendar and join us at the next literacy institute. We assure you that our Institutes are not a “sit and get”; rather, a “shake, rattle and roll” learning experience.
We hope to see you!
Ingrid Haynes, Ph.D.