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 2025 Cultural Awareness Training 

Hands Up

Provide equity and inclusion for all by understanding the cultural variations within your organization. 

School & Business Sessions Are Now Available 

"Ah Ha" Addressing cultural awareness and implicit biases: Focusing specifically on bias based on race, gender, mental and physical ability

2 hour instructor-led virtual webinar

Registration fee: $89.00

Schoolwide: $1000.00

Promoting Equity: Moving Beyond Diversity Toward Racial Equity

2 hour instructor-led virtual webinar

Registration fee: $89.00

Schoolwide: $1000.00

Inclusive Leadership: Moving beyond diversity towards racial equity

2 hour instructor-led virtual webinar

Registration fee: $89.00

Schoolwide: $1000.00

Employee & Business Sessions Are Now Available 

Explore the concepts and benefits of cultural competency and cultural humility, providing practical knowledge, insights and inspiration.

2 hour instructor-led virtual webinar

Registration fee: $189.00

5,000 25 or less employees
10,000 25 or more employees

Introduce compassion and understanding into employee interactions and decision-making through awareness of the negative impact of everyday slights and snubs.

2 hour instructor-led virtual webinar

Registration fee: $189.00

5,000 25 or less employees
10,000 25 or more employees

Aid your employees in tackling their blind spots and encourage inclusive thinking to create respectful teams.

2 hour instructor-led virtual webinar

Registration fee: $189.00

5,000 25 or less employees
10,000 25 or more employees

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